All info about Vigora 100
The main component of Vigora is Sildenafil Citrate.
First you buy Vigora 100 and take it you need to consult with your doctor. If you have some troubles with your health (such as problems with heart, diabetic and other) – advice to your doctor first.
Vigora is a pills and as usual pills you need to take orally with a glass of water an 30-60 minutes before your sexual action start. Don’t take more than 1 of these medics per day – it can be dangerous. As usual Vigora 100 have no side effects, but If you feel something badly after Vigora takes – call your doctor immediately!
The sense of Generic Vigora 100 is completely the same as Viagra because it includes Tadalafil.
Do not take these pills with methscopolamine nitrate, isosorbide dinitrate, cisapride, nitroprusside, isosorbide mononitrate, nitrates like amyl nitrite, nitroglycerin, other sildenafil products. Vigora may also had bad effect with certain medicine for high blood pressure, certain drugs used for fungal or yeast infections, certain drugs for the treatment of HIV infection or AIDS, as fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, and voriconazole and so on. Advice with your doctor a list woth all of the medicines, herbs, non-prescription drugs, or dietary supplements which you use at this time. Also advice with health care professional if you’re smoking or drinking alcohol when Vigora takes (or maybe use illegal drugs). Some of these items can had a bad effect with your medicine which you take at these time.
There are some side effects with not required medical attention: diarrhea, flushing, headache, indigestion, stuffy or runny nose. It can takes some days, while your will not adapt to this new supplement in your blood.
You can buy Vigora 100 through online orders of medications, pharmacies, hospitals, official distributors of Vigora and big drug stores.
As this medication is not so expensive and popular, there are less security signs and more likely to face fake tablets. To avoid fakes it will be better to buy Vigora through your doctor or web sites with good recommendations.
What kind of dosage and what is the main direction?
You need to take Vigora before 30-60 minutes before sexual act. You nedd to take 1 pill with a glass of water. Don’t take more than 1 pill per day!
What about precautions?
Just remember, that aged men more sensitive to such drugs as usual. Also before buy Vigora 100 and take ask your doctor if you are allergic to some of components of Vigora or not?
What kind of contraindications?
You need to understand, that Vigora is pills ONLY for MEN! IT SHOULDN’T BE TAKEN BY WOMEN OR CHILDREN! Also DON’T take Vigora 100 if you have a heart problems. Other details you can check out from your doctor.
What about side effects?
Side effects of taking Vigora is as for usual Sildenafil tablets. There are lightheadedness, flushing, headache, diarrhea , nasal stuffiness, heartburn, stomach upset, dizziness. Maybe some allergic reactions to some of components vigora 100. Lots of people have no any side effect from Vigora takes. If you have some side effects please contact your doctor immediately please.